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Maybe it’s further worth noting that at least one leftover

发布在:新闻中心 发表于12 年前

"When a candidate under the Republican banner would abandon the tradition of magnanimous leadership of the presidency pandora rings, when he would seek to demonize millions of citizens, when he would stoop to attack POWs for being captured, I can only ask as [Joseph Welch] did of Senator McCarthy, 'Have you no sense of decency, sir?'" Texas Gov. Rick Perry said in a barn burner speech on Wednesday denouncing "Trumpism" as a "cancer" on the GOP. (A spokeswoman for Trump declined to respond.).

pandora jewelry ALL NEW! Dr. Phil continues his conversation with Sharon and Samantha. Sharon, who says she hadn seen her daughter, Niki, in over a year, says she "knew" that she was addicted to heroin, homeless and possibly pregnant. Last year, the sponsors of a so called "transgender bathroom bill" similar to one enacted by North Carolina that got lots of attention retreated from the proposal, saying that, among other things, they wanted to see how the presidential election came out.Now that Trump is elected, most past advocates of the proposal say they figure Trump can be trusted to eliminate the danger of transgender people visiting a restroom deemed inappropriate by the gender designated on their birth certificate. Oh, someone may file a bill for publicity value, but the consensus seems that it'll be dead on arrival thanks to Trump.Coincidentally, a coalition of 200 or so businesses several of them major donors to GOP legislators has formed under the title "Tennessee Thrives" to lobby against any legislation sending a "message of exclusion" the North Carolina law cited as an example.Maybe it's further worth noting that at least one leftover conservative crusade from the era of President Barack Obama the idea of suing the federal government over foreign refugees entering the state under a legislative mandate, even though the state attorney general thinks it's a lost cause is still "full steam ahead https://www.pandoracharmuksale.com/," according to Senate Majority Leader Mark Norris, leading advocate of the idea.But Norris is one of at least four legislators eyeing a run for governor and, even though Trump's rhetoric indicates he'll curb refugees without any lawsuits, it's understandable that he'd like to keep the idea going for 2018 GOP primary purposes.Meanwhile, we find moderate Republicans who didn't like Trump the most prominent example being Gov. Bill Haslam striving to be conciliatory, if not cozy, with the new president. pandora jewelry

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